The matte black frame that's made from wood from renewable forests.
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While Michael Jackson was obviously an African American, to look at him in the years leading to his death, without knowledge of his origin, you would not know what ethnicity he was or how to classify him. All physical characteristics of his person had been altered over the years, and, in some cases, extremely. His skin became whiter than white, his nose becaome more narrow, his hair became straight, and his lips became thin.
Michael Jackson appears to have attempted to transform himself into a White person. Why would he do that?

Tom Burrell
The Oppression of African Americans Video will show in 5 seconds!

"If you are made to believe that your life has little value, then your actions and behavior will produce results that reflect your belief." - KS Cramer
The Frankenstein Analogy
The Frankenstein Analogy relates to the original Frankenstein story, where the creature that Dr. Frankenstein created was not inherently bad, but was made dysfunctional by the way he was treated by Dr. Frankenstein and society.
As Dr. Frankenstein implemented his plan to create life, he cobbled together parts of people. Some parts from laboratories, and some from corpuses robbed from the graves of newly dead. Dr. Frankenstein succeeded when he struck life into this being that was concocted as an aberration of different people from different places.
The Frankenstein analogy is that the U.S. government and society (Dr. Frankenstein) created the African American (the creature) in an environment where because of the African American’s former slave status, physical differences and culture, were mistreated, made dysfunctional, then relegated to a marginal existence in the Great American Society, where most have wallowed ever since.
Reparations Racism Descrimination Black-on-Black "Black Art" Juneteenth Emancipation Rescronstruction
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